Parking regulations for cars and coaches in Salzburg


Street parking in Salzburg is generally allowed for a maximum of three hours. The price is 1,50 Euro per hour and 4,50 Euro for three hours. Payment machines are located every 50 meters along the street. The receipt must be placed under the windshield for the attendant to see.

salzburg toptours parking machine

Salzburg also has free parking zones. These are further away from the city centre and also have a three-hour time limit. It's important to place a parking meter under the windscreen to show the time of your arrival. These can be bought at petrol stations or tobacconists. Alternatively, you can write down your arrival time on a piece of paper.

The light blue area on the map is the three-hour free parking zone and the purple area is the three-hour paid parking zone.

salzburg toptours kurzparkzonen / Parking free of charge and paid zones in Salzburg

Parking is free on all streets in Salzburg on weekdays from 19:00 to 09:00 and unlimited on weekends and holidays.
It is important to read the street signs carefully. If you see something like Zone-1 or Zone-3, only residents living nearby are allowed to park here. Parking fines in Salzburg range from €25 to €85. Avoid parking under a no-parking sign or blocking an exit, as this may result in towing. In such cases, the car owner must pay €200 to retrieve the vehicle, plus a hefty fine. Parking on private property can increase the fine to 500 euros.

The old town of Salzburg is a pedestrian zone closed to traffic by retractable bollards. The barriers are lowered until 11:00 on weekdays for deliveries, but permission is still required to enter the pedestrian zone. At 11:00, the barriers are lifted and the old town is closed to traffic except for taxis and residents of the area. If you have booked a hotel in the old town, you will need to obtain the code for lowering the barriers. Under no circumstances should you attempt to drive through the lowered barrier behind the other car, as this will damage your vehicle. Breaking the bollard will result in additional repair costs amounting to thousands of euros.


There are a number of car parks and garages available in the city centre of Salzburg.

Mönchsberggarage - Hildmann Platz 5. The cost is 3,30 euros per hour.
Mirabell Garage - Mirabellplatz 5b. The cost is 3.50 euros per hour.
Parkgarage Raiffeisen - Schwarzstrasse 15. The cost is 2.60 euros per hour.
Parkgarage Linzergasse - Glockengasse 4a. The cost is 2.50 euros per hour.
Rot-Kreuz-Parkplatz - Franz-Josef-Kai 10. The cost is 2.80 euros per hour.
Garage Barmherzige Brüger - Kajetanerplatz 1. The cost is 2.80 euros per hour.
CONTIPARK Wifigarage - Julius-Raab-Platz, 5020 Salzburg. The cost is 2,80 euros per hour.
Augustiner Bräu parking lot - Lindhofstrasse 6. The cost is 2 euros per hour.
Parkplatz Petersbrunnhof - Petersbrunnstraße. The cost is 1,20 euros per hour. 

During peak tourist season (July-August), it can be challenging to find parking in the center of Salzburg, so it is recommended to park at the entrance to the city

Park & Ride Salzburg Süd, 5020 Salzburg


Park & Ride Am Messezentrum 1, 5020 Salzburg

The parking fee of €15 includes a P&R Combo Ticket, valid for 24 hours and valid for up to 5 people on all public buses. Buses 3, 8 and 1 run every 15 minutes and take 20-25 minutes to get to the city centre. The P&R Combo Ticket must be purchased at the car park machine before boarding the public bus. Read about public transport in Salzburg.


Caravans may only be parked during the day. Overnight they must be parked in designated caravan sites on the outskirts of the city.


Tourist buses

Salzburg has two official tourist bus terminals where groups can be dropped off and picked up. These stops are 

Bus Terminal Nonntal located at Erzabt-Klotz Street 5


 Bus Terminal Paris-Lodron Street 5


To access these terminals, the bus company must book a time slot for 70 euros on Salzburg's Tourist Department website. 45-minute inaccuracy in arrival and departure times is tolerated. The quoted price includes the drop-off, pick-up, and parking of the bus 15-20 minutes away from the terminal. Arriving at the terminal without a reservation will result in a fine of 90 euros as well as 90 euros fine to pick up the group. Releasing a group in an improper area will result in a penalty of 150 euros. 


Drivers of tourist coaches must know that the streets along the river Salzach, such as Imbergstrasse, Rudolfskai, Franz-Josef Kai, and the central bridge Staatsbrücke, are closed for tourist buses from 8:00 to 18:00. Violation results in a fine of 150 euros! 

As a resident of Salzburg, I know several life hacks that can park in Salzburg for cheaper or even free. I would be happy to share these tips with my potential clients.  

Tags: Public transportation in Salzburg, Driving and walking tour of Salzburg, Tourist Card - SALZBURG CARD, Transfer Service in Salzburg

Public holidays in Austria in 2024

Below is a list of national holidays in Austria. In addition to these, there are also regional holidays that mainly affect students and state employees. 

Saturday is a day off for students, employees of businesses and government officials. Stores usually operate on a reduced schedule, closing before 5 or 6 pm.

Sunday is a day off, but all tourist sites remain open, including museums, souvenir shops, cafes, and restaurants (although some may be closed). Additionally, some grocery stores are open in the center of Salzburg, including Billa on the embankment of the Salzach River in the old town (11:00 am to 3:00 pm), Spar at the Mozart House Museum (11:00 am to 6:00 pm), and Spar at the railway station (9:00 am to 10:00 pm). From December to April, grocery stores are open on Sundays in ski resorts from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. From June to September, grocery stores are open on Sundays and holidays in summer resorts, such as the lake district of Salzkammergut.


Banks are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays; currency exchange services are only available on weekdays.

Austria has six periods of school holidays and two-semester periods. The start and end dates vary depending on the region:

Salzburg, Tyrol, Burgenland, Carinthia: 

- 10.02 - 18.02 (semester holidays)

- 23.03 - 01.04 (Easter holidays)

- 18.05 - 20.05 (Pentecost)

- 06.07 - 08.09 (summer holidays)

- 26.10 - 03.11 (autumn holidays)

- 24.12 - 06.01 (Christmas and winter holidays)

Vienna, Vorarlberg, Lower Austria:

- 03.02-11.02 (semester holidays)

- 23.03 - 01.04 (Easter holidays)

- 18.05 - 20.05 (Pentecost)

- 29.06 - 01.09 (summer holidays)

- 26.10 - 03.11 (autumn holidays)

- 15.11, 24.12 - 06.01 (Christmas and winter holidays)

Upper Austria, Styria:

- 17.02 - 25.02 (semester holidays)

- 23.03 - 01.04 (Easter holidays)

- 18.05 - 20.05 (Pentecost)

- 06.07 - 08.09 (summer holidays)

- 26.10 - 03.11 (autumn holidays)

- 24.12 - 06.01 (Christmas and winter holidays)



January 1 - New Year (Neujahr)

A day of rest and preparation for the upcoming work week. In the center of Salzburg, a New Year's fair has opened, offering delicious food and health-related activities. Starting at noon, relaxing symphonic music is played on the stage in front of the cathedral.

Public holiday

January 6 - The Holy Three Kings (Drei Könige)

A Catholic holiday is celebrated in honor of the three Magi named Kaspar, Melchior and Balthazar, who brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the cradle of infant Jesus Christ. According to the tradition, children are divided into groups and perform carols to the Day of the Three Kings. Each group consists of three magi that represent three continents, races, and ages, along with a child carrying a "Star of Bethlehem" fixed on a pole. The group of carolers, known as the Sternsänger, visit homes to sing Christmas carols and recite poetry. It is customary to give monetary donations for this, which are used for charity. On the doors of the house or apartment where the donation was made, the symbols C + M + B (Christus Mansionem Benedicat) are written in chalk illuminated in the church. This phrase means "Christ, bless this house."

Public holiday

March 31 - Easter (Ostersonntag) Sunday

April 1 - Easter Monday (Ostermontag) Monday

Easter is the most important Christian holiday. On Easter Eve, churches light Easter lights to celebrate the rebirth and new beginning. Easter lamb-shaped cupcakes, cheeses, sausages, and eggs are consecrated during the festive service. Sharing the blessed products with loved ones and having breakfast with the family is customary. People also weave and consecrate Easter bushes (Palmbusch) and then have magnificent "palm processions".

Public holiday

May 1

Labor Day is a time to celebrate workers' solidarity and justice. In Austria, May 1st is celebrated with the installation of a maypole and marks Mother's Day and Youth Day.

Read: Maypole Installation

Public holiday

May 9 - Ascension (Christi Himmelfahrt)

The day of Ascension commemorates the return of Jesus Christ to his Father in the kingdom of heaven, 40 days after the resurrection (Easter). It is customary for church parishes to organize the rite of first communion for children on this day.

Public holiday

May 19 - Trinity (Pfingstsonntag) Sunday

May 20 - Pentecost (Pfingstmontag) Monday

The celebration of the establishment of the Christian Church is marked by a festive procession where doves are released as a symbol of the Holy Spirit descending on the apostles. Typically, on this day, a confirmation ceremony is held in church parishes, one of the seven sacraments of chrismation in the Catholic Church.

Public holiday

May 30 - Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Fronleichnam)

The holiday has its roots in the 13th century based on a vision of Julianna of Liege, a nun from the Augustinian monastery. Legend has it that she saw the church as a moon disk with a black spot. She interpreted this as a lack of honor for the "Eucharist" which refers to the transformation of the blood of Christ into wine and flesh into bread. For the Frontline holiday, churches are adorned with flowers and young birches. After the service, a festive procession takes place outside, with children and teenagers leading the way carrying bibles and crucifixes. Honorary citizens hold a canopy, a symbol of heaven, under which a priest walks with a monstrance. The monstrance contains a special bread, which is a representation of the flesh of Christ. Musicians and residents bring up the rear of the procession.

Public holiday

August 15 - Ascension of the Virgin (Mariä Himmelfahrt)

The Ascension of the Virgin Mary's body and soul to heaven is celebrated with the consecration of medicinal herbs, decoctions, and healing ointments based on roots. It is also common to have processions that resemble the Body and Blood of Christ.

Public holiday

October 26 - Independence and Neutrality Day (Nationalfeiertag)

In Austria, October 26th is celebrated as the day when Allied and Soviet troops withdrew from the country's territory after World War II. This event marks the proclamation of the basic principles of Austria's new state, which include eternal neutrality and democracy. Military parades are held in Vienna, and the President congratulates the citizens. Thematic excursions are also organized, during which visitors can explore government buildings from the inside. In the rest of Austria, October 26th is a typical day off.

Public holiday

November 1 - All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen)

November 1 is a significant day of remembrance for all Christian saints and martyrs. This day originates in the 7th century when the Pantheon, a temple dedicated to all the gods, was transformed into a temple in honor of the Virgin Mary and All the Martyrs. Halloween is celebrated on the eve of All Saints' Day, mainly by young people who visit entertainment venues. Conversely, children go trick-or-treating at home and say the phrase "trick or treat" to get candies (Süsses order Saueres). November 2, known as All Souls' Day, is dedicated to all loved ones who have passed away. November 1 and 2 are also considered as Parents' Days. People usually hold memorial ceremonies in cemeteries, where they light candles at memorials and decorate graves with traditional autumn flowers, including yew, boxwood, and mistletoe.

Public holiday

On All Souls' Day (Allerseelen) November 2nd, civil servants and students have the day off, while those in the field of trade may work as usual


December 8 - Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (Maria Empfängnis)

Catholic holiday. The dogma of the birth of Mary, who did not inherit the original human sin of her parents Anna and Joachim. The Virgin Mary was predestined to become the mother of the son of God, Jesus Christ.

Official holiday but freewill working day for trade business

December 24 - Holy Evening (Heiliger Abend)

In the church tradition, Holy Evening (also known as Christmas Eve) has been celebrated since the 6th century to create a stronger sense of anticipation for the upcoming birth of Christ. On this day, people complete the final preparations for the Big Holiday, including placing gifts under the Christmas tree, setting up a small stable with the Christ child in a manger, and hanging images of angels called Christkindl all over the house. Although Holy Evening is a day of fasting, in modern times people do not limit themselves to just food. It is customary to serve dishes such as fried goose, turkey, fish, or boiled beef Tafelspitz, and to drink hot wine and punch. Believers generally go to church by 23:00, and at midnight they celebrate the arrival of the Messiah with the ringing of bells. It is also customary to make donations for good causes on this day.

A working day for shops and shopping centers with a reduced schedule, operating until 1:00 pm.

December 25 - Christmas (Weihnachten)

In the 4th century, Pope Gregory adopted December 25 as the birth date of Jesus Christ since the Bible does not specify an exact date. Christmas is a holiday meant for families to spend time together. Some prefer a relaxed day by looking at photos, watching favorite movies, or going for a walk. Others may choose to spend their time actively by going skiing, sledding, or skating. Attending a church service is an essential part of the holiday, after which gifts are exchanged. If you happen to be in Salzburg, the Christmas market in the city center is open on December 24, 25, and 26 until 3 pm. Please note that shops and most restaurants are closed during the Christmas holidays.

Public holiday

December 26 - St. Stephen's Day (Stefanitag)

The day of St. Stephen (Stepan), the first Christian martyr, is celebrated on December 26th. However, for most Austrians, it's just the second day off after Christmas. On this day, we usually visit distant relatives as well as friends. Furthermore, horse races (Stefaniritt) are organized in many villages and towns, and after the races, priests bless the riders and horses.

Public holiday


December 31 - Silvester

 In Europe until the seventeenth century, different dates were used for the beginning and end of the calendar year. It was not until 1691, when Pope Innocent XII established a standard, that December 31 became the end of the year, and January 1 became the beginning of the year. Before the calendar reform in the Holy Roman Empire, the last day of the year was December 24, and the first day was January 6, and the time in between was called the "interlude." In Catholic countries, December 31 is called Sylvester in memory of the day of the death of Pope Sylvester (335). The New Year in Salzburg is celebrated with fireworks organized by the city administration, although in many cities in Austria, pyrotechnics have been replaced by a laser show. Friends and relatives exchange symbolic gifts such as horseshoes with wishes written on them, toy chimney sweeps, and marzipan piglets.

A working day with a short schedule 

Salzburg Card and admission fees for museums in Salzburg

Salzburg is not only a picturesque city to admire from the outside, but it also has many fascinating museums and attractions that are worth exploring. However, visiting these places can be expensive. To make the most of your time and budget, it is advisable to learn the prices beforehand to calculate your expenses.


Here are the ticket prices for Salzburg's main tourist attractions in 2024:


Hohensalzburg FortressA round-trip funicular ticket with admission to two museums costs 14.00 euros for adults and 8.00 euros for children (Basic Ticket). Admission to three museums costs 17.60 euros (All-inclusive).

- Mozart's Birth House and Second Apartment: The cost for adults is 13.50 euros, while for children it is 3.50 euros.

- Museum of the Natural Sciences - Haus der Natur: The cost for adults is 12 euros, for children 8.50 euros.

- The Palace of the Archbishops and the Cathedral Quarter: The cost for adults is 13 euros and for children 5 euros.

- Hellbrunn Palace and the Trick Fountains: It costs 14.00 euros for adults and 6.50 euros for children.

- Hellbrunn Zoo: The cost for adults is 14.00 euros, for children 9.00 euros.

- Boat trip on the Salzach River (April-November): Depending on the category - 16 euros, 18 euros, or 36 euros.

- Stiegl Brewing Museum - Stieglbrauwelt: The cost for adults is 19.90 euros, children 12.50 euros.

- Museum of Contemporary Art - Haus der Moderne: The cost for adults is 14.00 euros + lift, and children are FREE.

- Cable car to the Untresberg Mountain: The cost for adults is 32 euros, for children 16.50 euros.


If you are planning to spend one or two intensive days or even up to three days in Salzburg, it is highly recommended that you purchase the Salzburg Card. The tourist card includes discounted tickets to all the city's main attractions and free public transportation. With the 48- or 72-hour card, you can also enjoy a 10% discount on most daily concerts. Many hotels also offer a 10% discount for cardholders. Additionally, you can skip the line and enter most museums without waiting at the counter.
The price of the Salzburg Card

The Salzburg Card is a pass that provides access to various tourist attractions in Salzburg. The prices for the card are listed below:

- 24 hours: 31 euros for adults and 15,50 euros for children (6-15 years old) from May 1 to October 31. From November 1 to April 30, the price is 28 euros for adults and 14 euros for children.

- 48 hours: 40 euros for adults and 20 euros for children from May 1 to October 31. From November 1 to April 30, the price is 36 euros for adults and 18 euros for children.

- 72 hours: 46 euros for adults and 23 euros for children from May 1 to October 31. From November 1 to April 30, the price is 41 euros for adults and 20,50 euros for children.


The validity of the Salzburg Card begins from the first use and is counted in hours. If you intend to use public transportation, be sure to fill out the card with a pen before boarding, which should include the date, time, and your name. You may purchase the Salzburg Card at hotels and tourist information offices, such as the railway station and Mozart Square. I recommend buying the card online on Salzburg's tourism department websiteIt is essential to consider the time of year when purchasing the Salzburg Card, as not all attractions are accessible year-round due to seasonal breaks for maintenance or financial reasons.


If you are interested in joining my tour, I can provide you with information on local attractions including their opening hours and estimated duration. Additionally, I can assist you in planning your activities in Salzburg. If your group consists of 20 or more people, you may be eligible for a discounted Salzburg Card.

Climate and weather in Salzburg, Austria

Austria has a diverse landscape that affects its climate. In the east, winds are common, while in the Alpine foothills, the influence of the continent is felt, resulting in lower temperatures in winter and higher in summer. The northern side of the Alps receives more precipitation, and the climate is temperate with little temperature difference. Central Austria is located on a hill, and its valley of the Danube, surrounded by hills, has a mild microclimate that is favorable for winemaking and growing fruit crops. The Mediterranean Sea's influence is felt in the south of the Alps, resulting in mild winters and many sunny days.

Salzburg City is situated in the northern part of Austria. The state of Salzburg is 70% covered by mountains. Due to the difference in heights, the air temperature can vary significantly between the city and the nearest suburb, especially in autumn and winter. According to statistics, cloudy and sunny days are equal here, and a temperate climate prevails. Each season lasts for three months.



Winter in Salzburg

In Salzburg, the months of November and the first half of December are usually sunny with temperatures ranging between +5 to +10 degrees. However, by mid-December, the temperature drops sharply causing what forecasters call the "Christmas depression". During this period, temperatures may go below zero and the ground is cooled enough to prevent immediate melting of snow in the valleys. The temperature during this period ranges between 0 to -5 degrees.

Weather and Climate of Austria in Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn

Starting from the first week of January, Austria experiences a true winter with heavy snowfalls and low temperatures. According to statistics, frigid winters occur once every 10 years in Austria, for example in 2006 and 2017 when the temperature dropped to as low as -25 degrees Celsius. During this time, large bodies of water also tend to freeze completely, which rarely happens nowadays.

Throughout the winter, it is common, that a warm anticyclone called Föhn arrives in Austria from the south a few times. With it comes a hurricane-force wind and the temperature can rise up to +10 degrees Celsius during the day. Due to the strong winds, all lifts are stopped in ski resorts for safety reasons. The cyclone typically lasts 2-3 days, after which temperatures return to subzero levels.

Weather and Climate of Austria in Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn

When traveling from a ski resort to Salzburg, it's important to remember that Austria can get extremely cold with high humidity. In Salzburg, the cold can feel damp and penetrate deep into your bones. To explore the city center, you will have to walk, and in the afternoon, the shadow of the Monchsberg mountain covers the entire area of the old town. If you are not dressed warmly enough, your tour may be reduced to one shopping trip and a café. Therefore, dressing as warmly as possible is recommended to avoid the cold. February in Salzburg is often cloudy and heavy snowfall is not uncommon. The humid air settles in the valley of the Salzach River. However, if you leave the valley for the mountains, the clouds will remain behind and you'll be greeted with a clear blue sky and bright sun.

salzburg toptours weather november

In March, the temperature gradually goes up as the snow begins to melt. The mountains still have an abundance of snow, but the parks and valleys start to turn green as the first flowers bloom. Generally, the temperature in March ranges from +5 to +8, and there is usually little rainfall. As the month progresses, the temperature may rise even to +20, and magnolia trees start to bloom in Salzburg.

April is a month with unpredictable weather. It may snow again after some warm sunny days, and heavy snowfalls with snowdrifts are not uncommon. Unsurprisingly, the local farmers say, "April macht was er will" - which means April does what it wants.

salzburg toptours weather may



Summer in Salzburg

The weather frequently changes until mid-May. It is usually warm but often snows in the mountains when the weather deteriorates. Only after May 15th we can talk about the temperature stabilization and the arrival of summer. There is a sign that it is not worth planting heat-loving crops until the days of the five ice saints since frosts on the soil occur almost every year until St. Sophia's Day (May 15). There is even a local saying: Di koite Sophi mocht ois hi, that is, Cold Sofia ruins everything. In 2017, for example, snow fell in the mountains until mid-May. The temperature from the second half of May to the beginning of August ranges from +20 to +30 degrees Celcius.

Climate and Weather in Austria. Salzburg in Winter, Summer, Autumn and Spring

During June and July, the weather in Austria can be hot, reaching up to 35°C. However, heavy showers are common in the evenings and at night. Therefore, it's always wise to pack warm clothes and waterproof outerwear, even when visiting in the summer. Bring jackets (windbreakers) and sturdy shoes if you plan to climb the mountains. Heavy rains are frequent in Salzburg, which can get quite chilly in the mountainous regions.

salzburg toptours weather july

August is still a warm summer month, but it is starting to rain more frequently. The temperature during the day usually ranges from 25 to 27 degrees Celsius, while at night it is between 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. 

salzburg toptours weather fall september

In early September, we can expect warm and dry weather. However, it's as if nature follows a calendar, and as soon as September 1 arrives, we can feel the breath of autumn. The sun shines brightly, but it doesn't provide as much warmth as before. Comfortable temperatures usually range from 20 to 23 degrees Celsius during the daytime until the beginning of October. After that, the nights become cooler, with temperatures of 7 to 10 degrees Celsius. Indian summer, which lasts until mid-October, is a great time to plan a trip to the Alpine region for hiking and cycling.

salzburg toptours weather fall

During the latter half of October, the mountains transform into a beautiful array of colors. The Alpine peaks begin to show snowcaps. The sunny days of Indian summer end on October 20th, after which Salzburg gets covered with leaden clouds and the rainy season starts.

salzburg toptours weather october 

Public transport in Salzburg

In the city of Salzburg, there are two main types of public transportation: buses and trolleybuses. Salzburg does not have a subway or tram network. Each bus and trolleybus line is assigned a unique number, making it easy for passengers to identify their transportation. Trolleybuses cover a significant portion of the routes in the city and extend beyond the city limits. Both types of transport offer standard tickets, and a one-hour ticket allows you to travel from one point to another, even if you need to change lines. Salzburg is a relatively small town, so it takes less than an hour to travel through it.


Public transport tickets in Salzburg can be purchased from various sources, with prices varying depending on the point of sale (as of 2024).

- Tickets purchased from the bus driver cost 3 euros for a single ticket and 6.40 euros for a 24-hour ticket.

- Tickets purchased from the ticket vending machine at the bus stop cost 2.30 euros for a single ticket and 4.70 euros for a 24-hour ticket.

- Tickets purchased from tobacco shops and ticket offices of city buses cost 2.30 euros for a single ticket and 4.70 euros for a 24-hour ticket. However, these tickets are sold only in blocks of five pieces.

- If you buy a ticket from a ticket office or vending machine, you must validate it before boarding. Unfortunately, ticket inspections are frequent, and the penalty for traveling without a valid ticket is 85 euros!


Having tickets for events such as Music Festivals, football, and ice hockey matches allows you to use public transport for free two hours before and after the event. Children under the age of six can use public buses for free.


No need to purchase bus tickets with a Salzburg Tourist Card, but it is essential to write down the date and time of first use on the card before boarding.

S-Bahn train lines connect Salzburg with the suburbs and nearby cities, including Freilassing and Berchtesgaden in Germany.

POSTBUS provides transportation to the suburbs. For more information, travelers can refer to the schedule. The central POSTBUS bus station is located at Salzburg's Hauptbahnhof train station.

The Mirabellplatz and Ferdinand Hanusch Platz squares are Salzburg's two most important transport hubs, where most urban transport lines intersect.

salzburg toptours information about public buses

Tags: Touristic Salzburg Card, Taxi - Transfers

Please provide: 1. DATE. 2. Number of people. 3. Tour name/itinerary. 4. Hotel/Starting/ending location. 5. Desired tour duration. 6. Phone number with WhatsApp.


5020 Salzburg, AUSTRIA
Tel: +43 650 82 36 890 (Whatsapp/Viber)
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Eugene Gumennikov



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