Public holidays in Austria in 2024

Below is a list of national holidays in Austria. In addition to these, there are also regional holidays that mainly affect students and state employees. 

Saturday is a day off for students, employees of businesses and government officials. Stores usually operate on a reduced schedule, closing before 5 or 6 pm.

Sunday is a day off, but all tourist sites remain open, including museums, souvenir shops, cafes, and restaurants (although some may be closed). Additionally, some grocery stores are open in the center of Salzburg, including Billa on the embankment of the Salzach River in the old town (11:00 am to 3:00 pm), Spar at the Mozart House Museum (11:00 am to 6:00 pm), and Spar at the railway station (9:00 am to 10:00 pm). From December to April, grocery stores are open on Sundays in ski resorts from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. From June to September, grocery stores are open on Sundays and holidays in summer resorts, such as the lake district of Salzkammergut.


Banks are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays; currency exchange services are only available on weekdays.

Austria has six periods of school holidays and two-semester periods. The start and end dates vary depending on the region:

Salzburg, Tyrol, Burgenland, Carinthia: 

- 10.02 - 18.02 (semester holidays)

- 23.03 - 01.04 (Easter holidays)

- 18.05 - 20.05 (Pentecost)

- 06.07 - 08.09 (summer holidays)

- 26.10 - 03.11 (autumn holidays)

- 24.12 - 06.01 (Christmas and winter holidays)

Vienna, Vorarlberg, Lower Austria:

- 03.02-11.02 (semester holidays)

- 23.03 - 01.04 (Easter holidays)

- 18.05 - 20.05 (Pentecost)

- 29.06 - 01.09 (summer holidays)

- 26.10 - 03.11 (autumn holidays)

- 15.11, 24.12 - 06.01 (Christmas and winter holidays)

Upper Austria, Styria:

- 17.02 - 25.02 (semester holidays)

- 23.03 - 01.04 (Easter holidays)

- 18.05 - 20.05 (Pentecost)

- 06.07 - 08.09 (summer holidays)

- 26.10 - 03.11 (autumn holidays)

- 24.12 - 06.01 (Christmas and winter holidays)



January 1 - New Year (Neujahr)

A day of rest and preparation for the upcoming work week. In the center of Salzburg, a New Year's fair has opened, offering delicious food and health-related activities. Starting at noon, relaxing symphonic music is played on the stage in front of the cathedral.

Public holiday

January 6 - The Holy Three Kings (Drei Könige)

A Catholic holiday is celebrated in honor of the three Magi named Kaspar, Melchior and Balthazar, who brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the cradle of infant Jesus Christ. According to the tradition, children are divided into groups and perform carols to the Day of the Three Kings. Each group consists of three magi that represent three continents, races, and ages, along with a child carrying a "Star of Bethlehem" fixed on a pole. The group of carolers, known as the Sternsänger, visit homes to sing Christmas carols and recite poetry. It is customary to give monetary donations for this, which are used for charity. On the doors of the house or apartment where the donation was made, the symbols C + M + B (Christus Mansionem Benedicat) are written in chalk illuminated in the church. This phrase means "Christ, bless this house."

Public holiday

March 31 - Easter (Ostersonntag) Sunday

April 1 - Easter Monday (Ostermontag) Monday

Easter is the most important Christian holiday. On Easter Eve, churches light Easter lights to celebrate the rebirth and new beginning. Easter lamb-shaped cupcakes, cheeses, sausages, and eggs are consecrated during the festive service. Sharing the blessed products with loved ones and having breakfast with the family is customary. People also weave and consecrate Easter bushes (Palmbusch) and then have magnificent "palm processions".

Public holiday

May 1

Labor Day is a time to celebrate workers' solidarity and justice. In Austria, May 1st is celebrated with the installation of a maypole and marks Mother's Day and Youth Day.

Read: Maypole Installation

Public holiday

May 9 - Ascension (Christi Himmelfahrt)

The day of Ascension commemorates the return of Jesus Christ to his Father in the kingdom of heaven, 40 days after the resurrection (Easter). It is customary for church parishes to organize the rite of first communion for children on this day.

Public holiday

May 19 - Trinity (Pfingstsonntag) Sunday

May 20 - Pentecost (Pfingstmontag) Monday

The celebration of the establishment of the Christian Church is marked by a festive procession where doves are released as a symbol of the Holy Spirit descending on the apostles. Typically, on this day, a confirmation ceremony is held in church parishes, one of the seven sacraments of chrismation in the Catholic Church.

Public holiday

May 30 - Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Fronleichnam)

The holiday has its roots in the 13th century based on a vision of Julianna of Liege, a nun from the Augustinian monastery. Legend has it that she saw the church as a moon disk with a black spot. She interpreted this as a lack of honor for the "Eucharist" which refers to the transformation of the blood of Christ into wine and flesh into bread. For the Frontline holiday, churches are adorned with flowers and young birches. After the service, a festive procession takes place outside, with children and teenagers leading the way carrying bibles and crucifixes. Honorary citizens hold a canopy, a symbol of heaven, under which a priest walks with a monstrance. The monstrance contains a special bread, which is a representation of the flesh of Christ. Musicians and residents bring up the rear of the procession.

Public holiday

August 15 - Ascension of the Virgin (Mariä Himmelfahrt)

The Ascension of the Virgin Mary's body and soul to heaven is celebrated with the consecration of medicinal herbs, decoctions, and healing ointments based on roots. It is also common to have processions that resemble the Body and Blood of Christ.

Public holiday

October 26 - Independence and Neutrality Day (Nationalfeiertag)

In Austria, October 26th is celebrated as the day when Allied and Soviet troops withdrew from the country's territory after World War II. This event marks the proclamation of the basic principles of Austria's new state, which include eternal neutrality and democracy. Military parades are held in Vienna, and the President congratulates the citizens. Thematic excursions are also organized, during which visitors can explore government buildings from the inside. In the rest of Austria, October 26th is a typical day off.

Public holiday

November 1 - All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen)

November 1 is a significant day of remembrance for all Christian saints and martyrs. This day originates in the 7th century when the Pantheon, a temple dedicated to all the gods, was transformed into a temple in honor of the Virgin Mary and All the Martyrs. Halloween is celebrated on the eve of All Saints' Day, mainly by young people who visit entertainment venues. Conversely, children go trick-or-treating at home and say the phrase "trick or treat" to get candies (Süsses order Saueres). November 2, known as All Souls' Day, is dedicated to all loved ones who have passed away. November 1 and 2 are also considered as Parents' Days. People usually hold memorial ceremonies in cemeteries, where they light candles at memorials and decorate graves with traditional autumn flowers, including yew, boxwood, and mistletoe.

Public holiday

On All Souls' Day (Allerseelen) November 2nd, civil servants and students have the day off, while those in the field of trade may work as usual


December 8 - Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (Maria Empfängnis)

Catholic holiday. The dogma of the birth of Mary, who did not inherit the original human sin of her parents Anna and Joachim. The Virgin Mary was predestined to become the mother of the son of God, Jesus Christ.

Official holiday but freewill working day for trade business

December 24 - Holy Evening (Heiliger Abend)

In the church tradition, Holy Evening (also known as Christmas Eve) has been celebrated since the 6th century to create a stronger sense of anticipation for the upcoming birth of Christ. On this day, people complete the final preparations for the Big Holiday, including placing gifts under the Christmas tree, setting up a small stable with the Christ child in a manger, and hanging images of angels called Christkindl all over the house. Although Holy Evening is a day of fasting, in modern times people do not limit themselves to just food. It is customary to serve dishes such as fried goose, turkey, fish, or boiled beef Tafelspitz, and to drink hot wine and punch. Believers generally go to church by 23:00, and at midnight they celebrate the arrival of the Messiah with the ringing of bells. It is also customary to make donations for good causes on this day.

A working day for shops and shopping centers with a reduced schedule, operating until 1:00 pm.

December 25 - Christmas (Weihnachten)

In the 4th century, Pope Gregory adopted December 25 as the birth date of Jesus Christ since the Bible does not specify an exact date. Christmas is a holiday meant for families to spend time together. Some prefer a relaxed day by looking at photos, watching favorite movies, or going for a walk. Others may choose to spend their time actively by going skiing, sledding, or skating. Attending a church service is an essential part of the holiday, after which gifts are exchanged. If you happen to be in Salzburg, the Christmas market in the city center is open on December 24, 25, and 26 until 3 pm. Please note that shops and most restaurants are closed during the Christmas holidays.

Public holiday

December 26 - St. Stephen's Day (Stefanitag)

The day of St. Stephen (Stepan), the first Christian martyr, is celebrated on December 26th. However, for most Austrians, it's just the second day off after Christmas. On this day, we usually visit distant relatives as well as friends. Furthermore, horse races (Stefaniritt) are organized in many villages and towns, and after the races, priests bless the riders and horses.

Public holiday


December 31 - Silvester

 In Europe until the seventeenth century, different dates were used for the beginning and end of the calendar year. It was not until 1691, when Pope Innocent XII established a standard, that December 31 became the end of the year, and January 1 became the beginning of the year. Before the calendar reform in the Holy Roman Empire, the last day of the year was December 24, and the first day was January 6, and the time in between was called the "interlude." In Catholic countries, December 31 is called Sylvester in memory of the day of the death of Pope Sylvester (335). The New Year in Salzburg is celebrated with fireworks organized by the city administration, although in many cities in Austria, pyrotechnics have been replaced by a laser show. Friends and relatives exchange symbolic gifts such as horseshoes with wishes written on them, toy chimney sweeps, and marzipan piglets.

A working day with a short schedule 

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